Extract from our client list
The Stratus software has been used by real estate and infrastructure professionals for many years – by cantons, cities and district councils, as well as by private companies and real estate investment managers.
Clients and projects

Determination of key cost factors and demonstration of plausibility for the city of Bern

Overview of buildings for portfolio management – canton of Graubünden

Fundamentals of real estate organisation for the district council of Binningen

Establishing general principles and object strategies – district council of Schattdorf

Options for next steps to be taken for the portfolio of a building cooperative

Real estate and investment plan for Hettlingen district council

Clarification of real estate organisation and basic principles for a real estate strategy, city of Frauenfeld

Long-term renewal and development strategy for building cooperative

Strategy basis for retirement homes in Zurich

Development and implementation of portfolio management at Männedorf district council

Town council of Schaffhausen, building division

Survey of road condition, value preservation planning and GIS visualisation

Determination of the financial requirements of the town of Baden

Bergdietikon District Council, Building and Planning Department

Hünenberg district council, Civil Engineering Department

Klingnau district council, Construction Department, Works Service Area

Unterhaltskennzahlen und Prognosen für Roche

Verification of maintenance costs and condition forecasts for the canton of Zug